Documents Required and the DPR Format

Company Profile

    • Company Name, Incorporation / registration details (CIN), certificates etc.
    • Registered address, Corporate address, Works address
    • Nature of business, products/services, years of experience, market standing etc.
    • Profiles of Directors / Promoters

Business Performance

      • Details of associated concerns/businesses
      • Audited annual reports (3 years)
      • Physical performance (in terms of production, productivity, space utilization of existing operations, employment provided etc.)
      • Financial performance (investments made, annual turnover, net worth etc.)

In case of a new firm, experience profiles, individual net worth statements, justification of capability in terms of technology expertise / Patents/ Recognitions from institutions of repute/ Approval as qualified vendors etc. shall be provided.

Brief on the proposed project

    • Project brief, line of activity etc.
    • Details of product(s)/ service(s), capacity, capacity utilization etc.
    • Process description, flow diagram, raw materials & utilities requirements
    • Technology level, transfer of technology (if any)
    • Plant & machinery details, brands, capacities, indigenous availability, imports f. Quality management plan
    • Environmental aspects, proposed treatment

Market analysis

    • Market size/potential – global /national / state
    • Demand/Supply Gap
    • Exports / Imports
    • Market Segmentation
    • Target market analysis
    • Competition
    • Competitive edge (Justification for demand of product/service)
    • Marketing strategy, sales forecast, sales promotion strategy etc.

Justification for the extent of land required for the proposed project 

    • Location
    • IP, Plot No.
    • Extent of land required
    • Area utilization
    • Layout Plan showing detailed area break-up, built-up area etc.
    • Justification for selection of the site / plot

Implementation Schedule

    • Table showing major activities / milestones, commencement date& completion date of each activity
    • Bar chart for the project
    • A detailed note as to how implementation of the project will be planned, what strategy will be adopted etc.

Project Cost & Means of Finance

    • Project cost with break-up
    • Means of Finance
    • Source of funds & funds planning
    • A detailed note on financial planning vis-à-vis project implementation to be provided.

Proposed Employment (Direct & Indirect):

    • Manpower requirement during project execution (with breakup details of skill level, number, qualification, experience, salary etc.)
    • Manpower requirement during regular operations (i.e., after project execution) with breakup details of skill level, number, qualification, experience, salary, Male / Female employment etc.
    • Training needs
    • Organisational structure / chart
    • Indirect employment generation & in what areas

Financial analysis to justify the feasibility of the proposed project

    • Product prices, production, revenue streams etc.
    • Raw material(s) prices, consumables prices, utilities costs, overheads etc.
    • Profitability Projection
    • Cash Flow Statement
    • Balance Sheet
    • Break Even Analysis
    • Payback period
    • Financial indicators like NPV, IRR, DSCR etc.

SWOT analysis

    • Strengths
    • Weaknesses
    • Opportunities
    • Threats

RISK analysis & mitigation

    • Supply-related risks
    • Demand-related risks
    • Contextual risks
    • Risk Mitigation